You will learn about numbers
In this lesson, you will learn how to say numbers in Bahasa Indonesia
Click this link to learn more about Indonesian numbers
To ask how many in Bahasa Indonesia, you can use: Ada berapa?
For example:
Ada berapa mobil di rumah Bapak/Ibu? Ada tiga
How many car is at your home? There are three
Berapa umur kamu? Umur saya dua puluh tiga tahun
How old are you? I am twenty three years old
Watch the following video. Then practise it with your partner
Video 1
Listen to the video above while doing the following exercise. Click the link below
Latihan 1
Learn more about number from one to ten. Click the link below
Latihan 2
Learn more about number 10-19. Click the link below
Latihan 3
Learn more about numbersClick the link below
Latihan 4
Answer the following questions:
1. Berapa nomor telepon kamu? (What is your telephone number?)
2. Berapa nomor rumah kamu? (What is your house number?)
3. Berapa umur kamu? (How old are you?)
4. Ada berapa orang di rumah kamu? (How many people in your house?)